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  • Writer's pictureD'Vonte

I Misjudged Atlantis

My heart weighed like large stones so I abandoned my shore,

Searching beneath, where all things are light and beautiful,

Let this new world mystify me within it's waves,

No longer do I belong where the sands are infested with decay,

Below layed a city of riches: buildings tall even when sunk to the ocean's depth,

Vividly shining like an aquamarine diamond,

Ocean palm trees encompass this hydrocity, she,

Glistening the troubled seas. You beautiful mess,

Directionless. Your artifacts taught how to love, you.

It gave me somewhere new to swim freely and spearhead my destiny,

No whining or complaining for I thought best to hold one's breath against oppression,

So I drank poisoned tea from your seashells, made bedding from mounding sand, drowning within your ecosystem,

In our demolition you stained the reef red,

A cold clean skeleton and body intact,

But my heart is unable to reach the shore,

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