Love means to die and save you,
I watched as my own blood bowelled out like sewege,
Fighting my inner madness; fighting a fate where I'm not baggage,
The power to start over, your fates were mine to choose,
Use the lion's heart to absorb everyone's pain like a loving tool,
Those gluttonous bunnies, delusioned struck witches, that whale's attack on the carriage,
What else to say than love culminating in sadness for a fool.
When will this twisted love expire, I'm desperate to know when the real one's due,
Oh Mr. Natsuki you aren't worth much already so don't throw what you have away,
Hah! How stupid to think you alone could absorb burdens of such magnitudes,
It’s wrong how you say you love me yet dagger me on ice with your pain,
A comrade, an ally, a friend who won't falter this time, never would I betray,
You aren't much of a man yet have risen far into the wind's altitudes,
The ice around me is warm enough to hold like a sword, so let me wield it so your world no longer smells of rain.