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  • Writer's pictureD'Vonte


What do dogs think of as they stare at the shore?

I wonder if your eyes saw more than just the creature in me.

Communication was the hard part of our friendship,

We were both animals; At the time I cried when stubbing my toe, hoping not to die,

But you were a brave speed demon,

Bold black eyes and your speed accelerating despite the steep hills,

A bolt yellow in the Carribean sunlight,

You radiated such intense power; gentle docile eyes became bullets the millisecond there was a threat,

That's the funny thing about protectors, There are many things that they see when staring at the shore,

You never see the world their way unless they make you,

Your world was not mine to see,

So as my memories fade when the years fly by,

I'll remember the name Ruffy,

Now I have the strength to look to the shore,

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